March 02, 2016
MEDfx and Delaware Health Information Network (DHIN) Have Partnered Together to Accelerate EHR Data Access and Interoperability


MEDfx and the Delaware Health Information Network (DHIN) have partnered together to provide standards-based interoperability with Electronic Health Records across the state of Delaware.

DHIN was the nation’s first statewide Health Information Exchange, with connectivity to nearly all healthcare organizations across the state. Similar to issues faced by others in the industry, the hundreds of Electronic Health Record products adopted by practices pose connectivity challenges for DHIN. While the Office of the National Coordinator has implemented incentive programs for practices to adopt certified EHR solutions, interoperability remains a challenge across the market.

The variability in how EHR vendors interpret certification requirements allows for inconsistencies in standards, resulting in increased costs and time to enable the sharing of data. The lack of interoperability is a cause of frustration for providers who are challenged to manage patient care without access to a complete patient health history and limited capability to coordinate care with providers who are using different EHR systems.

Working with MEDfx, DHIN overcomes these challenges allowing rapid standards-based integration and interoperability with any EHR system, regardless of what standard the vendor leverages for sharing data or how the vendor has interpreted those standards. MEDfx’s Healthcare Data Integration (HDi) solution has increased the speed of and reduced costs for connecting to practices and enabling access to critical clinical data and the ability to leverage and share that data to support providers in the care delivery process.

“DHIN’s partnership with MEDfx is critical to our ability to exchange continuity of care documents (CCDs). MEDfx’s assistance with interoperability ensures that healthcare providers using different HIEs can still send, receive and interpret CCDs, supporting DHIN in its mission to save time, money and lives,” said Dr. Jan Lee, Chief Executive Officer of DHIN.

Sharing patient data and integrating clinical workflows are critical in supporting providers in the care delivery process. Connecting providers who care for patients creates a network for collaborative care, enabling the team to deliver the most cost effective treatment plans and best practices, increasing patients’ safety and quality of care. MEDfx’s solutions help overcome these challenges by supporting interoperability standards and can layer into the HIE platform the DHIN has invested in.

“We are very excited about our partnership with DHIN and introducing our HDi solution to the market. Our goal is to put data in the hands of the providers and patient when and where they need it to drive quality of care. Beyond data access, by leveraging web-services, HDi enables organizations to leverage our last mile EHR integration to deliver clinical summaries and other documents, such as Analytics reports, back into the clinical workflow of providers directly in EHRs. Embedded workflows drive provider satisfaction and adoption,” said MEDfx CEO, Colin Barry.

MEDfx will present its new interoperability solutions at booth #674 at HIMSS 2016, Feb 29 – Mar 3 in Las Vegas. For more information see: