Bundles Manager

The Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI) initiative, developed by CMS, link the payments for multiple services that beneficiaries receive during an episode of care. Bundled payments are designed to align the incentives for primary care physicians, hospital providers, specialists, and practitioners in other settings, to support patient-centric coordinated care for value-based healthcare.

Lifescape Bundles Manager is a cloud-based application targeted to provide the entire care team, a single solution that delivers end-to-end management of the team’s workflow related to bundle approved patients. The solution is EHR-agnostic, and it integrates into the preferred workflow of any care provider regardless of their EHR investment.

What is Bundles Manager?

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The Dashboard

The Bundles Manager Dashboard is a powerful launching point to streamline your bundle workflows. From physicians to nurse navigators the modular architecture allows for role-based access and easy customization to support the flexibility needed to help diverse multi-disciplinary care teams stay in sync.

Task List

The Task List allows you to see your day at a glance so you can quickly sort through and launch bundle related tasks in the order that fits your work schedule.


Smart Notifications designed to keep you in the loop of important activity across your network. Get actionable updates and timely reports for things like bundle eligibility, referral status changes, and completed bundles.

Task Module

The full-featured task module allows you to view all care team bundle related tasks, change ownership, and complete existing tasks. Because Bundles Manager was built inside Care Coordinator, your members will benefit Care Coordinator's rich features and advanced side-by-side workflow.

Bundle Progress

We streamline and automate the bundle process using our business process management (BPM) tool. As each step of the process is completed, the progress is tracked and updated in the Bundle Progress Module giving you a real-time snapshot view of the total process.

Lifescape Bundles Manager can be used as a standalone app or integrated as a part of the MEDfx Care Coordination Suite of applications. Bundles Manager supports all interoperability standards, and its open portal framework easily extends to integrate with analytics engines. It harnesses the insights garnered from analytics and evidence-based guidelines then actions those insights to help care teams deliver the most cost-effective treatment plans and coordinate the care for patients as they transition one provider to the next.

MEDfx solutions advance the care delivery process by providing the right data for the right patient at the point-of-care and deliver insights into care team clinical workflow to help drive best practices to reduce costs and improve outcomes.



  • Virtual Health Record
  • Care Coordinator
  • Referrals Manager
  • Unified Landing Page