Virtual Health Record

360º longitudinal patient chart

The Lifescape Virtual Health Record (VHR) enables organizations to aggregate clinical and administrative data across disparate Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and Health Information Technology (HIT) systems, so users receive a 360-degree view of longitudinal patient data supporting clinical efficiencies and value-based care.
Virtual Health Record

Lifescape VHR

The VHR clinical portal provides a unified view of discrete data and clinical summary documents from the disparate data sources adopted by the many organizations and stakeholders across any given Enterprise or Healthcare Community. The solution parses CCDA and other clinical summary documents, supporting a very flexible and impactful view of discrete data, including the Clinical Summary Dashboard, which panels present modular representations of each aggregated longitudinal list.

What is Lifescape VHR?

Clinical Summary Summary Panels Popup Reveal Clinical Workspace Compare Content by Source Activity Stream

The Clinical Summary

The Clinical Summary presents a longitudinal list of meds, allergies, vitals, immunizations, and encounters pulled from across your network and the eHealth Exchange. The Clinical Summary gives the care team a shared bird's-eye view of the patient's clinical record outside walls of their own EHR's.

Summary Panels

Open a Summary Panel to launch its full workspace, or explore any content without leaving the Clinical Summary page. Depending on your organization's privacy policies and state laws sensitive data can be shown/hidden by user role.

Popup Reveal

Clinicians don't have time to hunt for vital information, that is why we designed the Clinical Summary to cut through the noise and present the most relevant information in a snap-shot view with the option of digging deeper as needed without losing your place.

Clinical Workspace

To get a complete view patient chart by category just expand a Clinical Summary Module to open their associated Clinical Workspace. The Clinical workspace allows you to easily filter the patient's longitudinal medical record to find what you are looking for quickly.

Compare by Source

Evaluate the accuracy of the data received by toggling the Compare by Source button. The side-by-side comparison gives you a high-level view of potential gaps in data by participant.

Activity Stream

The Activity Stream provides a 360º representation of the patient's longitudinal record in a Facebook-style timeline view. Find what you are looking for with the Amazon-style faceted filters panel while still having access to the Clinical Summary Modules on the right.



  • Care Coordinator
  • Referrals Manager
  • Bundles Manager
  • Unified Landing Page